Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snow Goose Migration

Bird Feeder

This is a great video showing the snow goose migration.

Snow Goose migration is spectacular!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology photographer Gerrit Vyn takes us to New York's Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge to experience this yearly event.

Through the Lens: Snow Goose Migration 

Monday, November 28, 2011

National Aviary Holiday Bird Show

Bird Feeder

The 1-year-old snowy owl makes his public debut this weekend in the National Aviary's Holiday Bird Show. His name is Fleury in honor of Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury.

Pet Tales: There's a new member of the flock at the Aviary

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11330/1192631-62-0.stm#ixzz1ep7XsdUV

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Bird Count For 2011

Bird Feeder

"This winter an estimated 60,000 people in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere will take part in the 112th annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). From Alaska to Antarctica, between December 14 and January 5, within count circles registered in advance with Audubon, teams of birders will take to the field for fun, for tradition, and for science."

Birding That Counts

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Comment About "Birding The Net Contest"

Bird Feeder

Great follow-up to the Birding The Net Contest. Click the link below for more details:

"Audubon heard from thousands of people on Facebook. The unique campaign delivered on its goal of connecting people to the natural world around them and making them more aware of birdlife in their everyday lives."

Audubon's Birding the Net Sparks Interest in Real Birds

Friday, November 25, 2011

Watch The 2011 Parade of Students

Bird Feeder 

To watch the 2011 Parade of Students at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology click the link below:

Our 2011 Parade of Students consisted of 53 research projects in 53 minutes—a breakneck tour through student research here at the Cornell Lab.

Watch Our 2011 Parade of Students

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Identify The American Tree Sparrow

Bird Feeder

Learn to identify the American Tree Sparrow:

Plump and long-tailed, American Tree Sparrows are busy visitors in winter backyards and weedy, snow-covered fields across southern Canada and the northern United States. 

American Tree Sparrow

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Talk To A Pale-billed Woodpecker

Bird Feeder

Magnificent and elusive, the Campephilus woodpeckers include the Ivory-billed and Imperial woodpeckers, which may be extinct, and the Pale-billed Woodpecker, which still haunt the forests of Costa Rica today. Join the experience as scientists Martjan Lammertink and Chris Saker search for this little-known species in a tropical forest, using a wooden "double-knocker" as their most valuable device.

Talking with a Pale-billed Woodpecker

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Identify Warbler Sounds

Bird Feeder

Scientists can compare spectrograms of night recordings to spectrograms of known species to identify nocturnal migrants in total darkness. Andrew Farnsworth, a scientist in the Cornell Lab’s Conservation Science program, developed this “Rosetta Stone” in 2006 in collaboration with Michael Lanzone, Cellular Tracking Technologies, William R. Evans, and Michael O'Brien. It covers all 48 warbler species of the U.S. and Canada (including Grace’s and Red-faced warblers, not shown), and is a major tool in our Acoustic Monitoring Project.

Rosetta Stone for Warblers

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tips For Organizing A Christmas Bird Count For Kids

Your Bird Feeder

Every year for over a century, “Christmas Bird Counts” (CBC's) have been organized across America through Audubon, mainly for adults, during mid-December and early January. Young kids with their families are often not included with this important 24 hour rigorous “citizen science” effort...so we created the CBC 4 Kids...and families... a stand alone half day event instilling some of the important basic ingredients of this grand old Audubon tradition. 

2011 CBC4Kids - How to Get Started!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Look After Your Birds By Setting Up A Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Set up your feeders in a quiet area of the garden close to trees so that they can fly to and fro. The most activity takes place in the first hours of daylight and an hour or two before dusk, so try to fill the feeders at midday, if possible. Try not to spill seeds and nuts on the ground as spillages attract rodents.

Look after your birds

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some Reasons Birds Aren't Visiting Your Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

I don’t think a passing bald eagle or even an infrequently soaring hawk would cause birds to shy away from feeding areas for any length of time. A sudden local shortage of birds can result from a frequent, unwelcome visit from a resident hawk. When a sharp-shinned or Cooper’s hawk appears on the scene, birds appear to “freeze” without any movement and can remain motionless for as long as a half-hour. 

Several factors could account for ‘shortage’ of birds

Friday, November 18, 2011

Win a Bird Feeder And Hedgehog House

Bird Feeder

Interesting contest. 

Jordans is the only cereal brand in the UK that asks the farmers that grow their grain to dedicate 10% of their farmland to wildlife habitats, so that birds, bees and butterflies can thrive

We've teamed up with Jordans Cereals to offer readers the chance to win a hedgehog house and bird feeder.

Win a hedgehog house and bird feeder from Jordans Cereal

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Audubon Illustrations To Be On Display

Bird Feeder

This looks like a great event and the article has some good information about John Audubon.

On Friday, more than 20 of Audubon's illustrations will be exhibited for one day as the University of Pittsburgh's Library System holds its first public celebration of Audubon Day. The rare prints will be displayed in Hillman Library's third-floor special collections, Room 363, in Oakland. From 1 to 2 p.m., library staff members Charles Aston, Jeanann Haas and Ed Galloway will give informal talks about aspects of Audubon's life in the Amy Knapp Room. The event is free.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11320/1190093-437-0.stm?cmpid=newspanel0#ixzz1du0JgzN4

Audubon's bird's-eye view: Vivid illustrations on display at Pitt for one-day-only exhibition

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anatomy Of An Owl

Your Bird Feeder

To complete our 3 day study of owls click below to see the anatomy of the owl.

Owl Anatomy

Monday, November 14, 2011

Awesome Owl Information

Your Bird Feeder

Did you know that there are 130 species of owls thoughout the world? Do you know how big the smallest owl is? Click the awesome owls below to get more information about owls.

Awesome Owls

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Birds At The Bird Feeder And Bird Bath

Your Bird Feeder

Black-Capped Chickadees, Chestnut-Backed Chickadees, and Nuthatches come to my bird-feeder and birdbath

Feeder Birds

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Peregrine Falcon At The Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Not a normal sight at most bird feeders:

Peregrine Falcon at our Bird Feeder

Peregrine Falcon at our Bird Feeder

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Applications Being Accepted For The James L. Baillie Memorial Fund

Bird Feeder

Find out how to apply for a grant from this organization:

The James L. Baillie Memorial Fund for Bird Research and Preservation was established by Bird Studies Canada in 1976. It is funded by the annual Baillie Birdathon and by private donations. 

James L. Baillie Memorial Fund 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bird Conservation Nepal Project

Bird Feeder

"Bird Conservation Nepal (BirdLife Partner) has launched a documentary to highlight the value of Important Bird Areas (IBAs: critical areas for biodiversity conservation) to people and therefore the importance of conserving these sites. Despite great efforts being made to conserve biodiversity in Nepal, the country still lags behind in protecting natural habitats."

New documentary highlights importance of IBAs for people in Nepal

Friday, November 4, 2011

Participate In The Bird Color Challenge

Bird Feeder

This is a fun exercise. Click Bird Color Challenge to participate.

"We'll show you a bird for five seconds, then take the photo away and ask you to recall the bird's main colors. After you've chosen, we'll show you the responses that other players have selected. The game sharpens your powers of observation—and teaches Merlin about the ways that people perceive and describe colors."

Bird Color Challenge

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Winter 2011 Bird Photo Contest

Bird Feeder

It's time for the next WeLoveBirds photo contest. 

Welcome to the 4th WeLoveBirds.org photo contest!  We will be accepting photos up until Nov. 21 at midnight, eastern standard time; then community voting will take place from Nov.28 to Dec. 9. Click below for more information.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Big Year Movie Review

Bird Feeder

This film is an enjoyable tramp through America’s wilds and through the familial tangles of its three main characters. Peppered with polite humor, a bit of slapstick, and many gorgeous—and remarkably accurate—birds, this PG movie, directed by David Frankel, will entertain most any family, birding or nonbirding.


The Big Year: Our Movie Review


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Barrier Island Shorebirds

Bird Feeder

Louisiana's barrier islands provide critical and unique habitat for a range of migrant and wintering bird species. Shorebirds in particular utilize a variety of specialized feeding techniques to harvest their own favored types of prey.

How Nature Works: Barrier Island Foraging Strategies