Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fun Bird Quotations

Your Bird Feeder

This article has some fun and interesting bird quotes.

Use the talents you possess - for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except for the best.  ~Henry Van Dyke

Quotations about Birds  

Friday, October 29, 2010

Finches At The Window Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Cute video of a window bird feeder

Typical guests at our window-mounted bird feeder. Brown finches and an occasional chickadee make appearances.

1 minute: Window Bird Feeder

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Black Vulture Comes To Bird Rehab Center

Your Bird Feeder

Interesting story about a black vulture who picked the best place to get stuck.

A black vulture with its head stuck in a plastic pumpkin bird feeder turned up Monday morning on the grounds of Rehabitat, a Dillsburg nonprofit that rehabilitates injured birds.

Stuck vulture turns up at bird rehab center

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bear Likes To Eat From Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Check out this video of a bear wandering around and eating from bird feeders.

A roaming bear with a sweet spot for bird feeders is growing quite famous in Wolcott. The bear was spotted most recently by a family on Allentown Road. The DEP says they've captured before.

CT bear has sweet spot for bird feeders

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cooper's Hawk Tries To Flush Out Songbirds

Your Bird Feeder

Cooper's hawk 0 Songbirds 1. Read about an entertaining visit by a Cooper's hawk trying to get the songbirds to come out of hiding.

There was a big Cooper's hawk on the fence right above the star jasmine bush. He knew there were a bunch of birds in there but couldn't flush them out. He tried his best though.

Gary Bogue: Cooper's hawks, songbirds play deadly games

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bird Migration Along The Mississippi River Corridor

Your Bird Feeder

Good article about bird watching along the Mississippi River corridor.

Spend a morning near a bird feeder and you might see a dozen species or more. Spend a day touring the county's various habitats and scanning trees with your binoculars and you'll see even more.

Expert to explain why Dyer County is 'for the birds'

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Western Scrub Jay Seen In Montana

Your Bird Feeder

It is always fun to spot a bird that is not usually seen in the area.

"But as he squinted through the glare of the window, he decided this wasn't the blue jay at all.

"The behavior wasn't right," Greaves says, and on closer inspection he was surprised to find his visitor was a western scrub jay."

Rare sighting of western scrub jay reported in Thompson Falls

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bird Silhouettes On Your Window After A Bird Hit

Your Bird Feeder

Have you ever had a bird imprint left on your window after a bird hit the window. I have had the perfect image of a bird just as described in this article. (Fortunately the bird flew away.)

"As bird feathers break down, they produce a fine powder that coats other feathers when birds preen.

This feather dust helps to waterproof the feathers. The dust is also what left that amazingly detailed imprint on the window glass. It's like a fingerprint."

Gary Bogue: Birds: How they leave their silhouettes on your windows

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Great Backyard Bird Count 2011 Dates Are Set!

Your Bird Feeder

Make sure that you participate in the 2011 Great Backyard Bird Count

The next Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place Friday, February 18 through Monday, February 21, 2011.

Save the dates: the GBBC is coming!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Dark Eyed Juncos Are Migrating From Canada

Your Bird Feeder

The dark eyed juncos have returned to my area. Have they returned to your bird feeder?

 As the cold weather season approaches, other bird species move in for a winter's visit. The Dark Eyed Junco is one of the those winter birds.

Sign of Cold Weather: Some birds go, others arrive

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Make your own bird feeder using a pine cone.

Avenue C's Crafty Cathy teaches the children how to make bird feeders for Fall

Avenue C Kids Show Crafty Cathy Makes Bird Feeders

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sharp-Shinned Hawk At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Nice video with a sharp-shinned hawk.

Looking out my home office window, I watched this awesome rapter, the sharp-shinned hawk, tenaciously walk around a bush near my bird feeder where two sparrows were hiding. 

Sharp-shinned Hawk Hunting Near Bird Feeder

Monday, October 18, 2010

Backyard Bird Pictures

Your Bird Feeder

Some nice bird pics-take a look!

When I went outside on my back deck this morning to take some pictures, I was so happy to see a lot of birds.

Backyard Views of Birds, Animals, and Waterfowl on 10-17-10

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Squirrel Proof Your Bird Feeder With A Slinky

Your Bird Feeder

Entertaining video of a squirrel trying to get to the bird feeder.

Here's an idea my mom gave me to deter squirrels from climbing onto my bird feeders. Hope you enjoy. 

Squirrel Vs. Slinky

Friday, October 15, 2010

Picky Bird At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

A coal tit throws away most seeds from a bird feeder looking for the seed it likes the most.

Coal tit on bird feeder


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homemade Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Entertaining video showing a homemade bird feeder.

A demonstration of my Dad's bird feeder that he created while living in Kissee Mills, Missouri. 

The Bird Man of Kissee Mills - a tale about a goldfinch birdfeeder.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

House Finches And Chickadees At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Close up view of birds at the bird feeder.

Close up shots of House Finches and Chickadees at our feeder. Also some video of 2 families of ducks. One mother duck has 14 babies to care for.

Bird Feeder.m2ts


Saturday, October 9, 2010

National Aviary-New Show Takes Wings!

Your Bird Feeder

If you are in the Pittsburgh area-come visit the National Aviary and see the new addition and the new show.


Five hooded vultures flew out over a small group of people, their powerful wings creating a noticeable breeze. Four of them landed, pretty much in unison, on a carcass -- except for the renegade who landed on the knee of the guy sitting next to me.

Pet Tales: Birds of a feather take off at FliteZone

Lots Of Birds At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Lots of birds come to the bird feeder in this video.


Bird feeder menagerie in NW Reno


Friday, October 8, 2010

Black Bear At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Wow, this black bear made a mess of this bird feeder and pole!

Black bear destroying my glass bird feeder and bending a metal pole like a pretzel

Black bear destroying my bird feeder


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Addition To The National Aviary

Your Bird Feeder

I can't wait to attend this show. I am also very interested in the glass that is used. The birds think it is solid and don't fly into it.

The 10,000-square-foot expansion includes "the world's first and only indoor theater constructed exclusively" for shows featuring free-flying parrots, vultures, hawks, owls, gulls, vultures, eagles and other birds.

National Aviary spreads its wings

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Birds Go Bird Watching

Your Bird Feeder

Parakeet's go bird watching-fun video.

Watching Some Birdies Outside

Bird Watchers

Monday, October 4, 2010

Watch Birds At Your Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Nice video of birds at the bird feeder.

Our Window Bird Feeder Brings the birds right up to your window!

Window Bird-Feeder

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Female Cardinal At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Nice video of a female cardninal.

A female cardinal at my bird feeder

At the Bird Feeder #7

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hummingbird-A Close-up Look

Your Bird Feeder

Check out this post-there are some terrific photos of hummingbirds.

An especially tiny juvenile male Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovered beside me and then landed a foot away, on the lip of a 5 gallon bucket in the ATV basket.

Hummingbird Delight

Friday, October 1, 2010

Local Youth Group Hosts Fundraiser to Support Habitat Restoration on Middle Bass Island

Your Bird Feeder

What a great idea! This looks like a good cause. It's great to get young people involved in bird watching.

The idea behind a Big Sit is to stay in a 17-foot diameter circle and count all the species of birds you can identify from that spot during a continuous period.

Big Sit Oct. 10