Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Make Your Own Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Here is a fun activity for the kids.

Summer or winter, this natural pinecone bird feeder is a decorative and simple craft for kids. Make a few and hang them from your trees outside as homemade outdoor ornaments.

Pinecone Bird Feeder

Monday, November 29, 2010

Are Birds Dependent On Your Bird Feeder?

Your Bird Feeder

Very useful information. Birds enjoy our bird feeders, we help them survive, but they don't rely on the bird feeder alone.

Chances are good that readers of this column maintain a bird feeder. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates nearly a quarter of Americans feed the birds, a practice which has increased greatly in the past 20 years.

Birding: Birds know not to rely on feeders

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Setting Up Your Bird Feeder-What Do You Need To Know?

Your Bird Feeder

This is a good starting point for setting up a bird feeder.

I would like to work with my children to get some bird feeders started so we can all enjoy watching the birds. Can you give us some tips?

Garden Q&A: Bird feeders lead to bird watching

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Real Treat For The Birds At Your Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

This sounds like an interesting food to feeder your birds.

 This feeding trick involved toasted waffles and peanut butter. A perfect combination of winter warmth giving calories and soul-satisfying tastes for birds and humans alike.

Bird Feeding: Mohney's Waffle and Peanut Butter Advice Followed


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cats Watching The Bird Feeder (Though A Window)

Your Bird Feeder

I love this video of the bird feeder with the cats watching the birds through the window.

Watch the seasons change from autumn to winter right in front of Squirrel and Kitcat's eyes as they watch the birds come to their feeder.


The New Bird Feeder - Part 2


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Recycle DVD Cake Into A Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Creative recycling idea. A great way to add another bird feeder to your yard.

That old CD/DVD cake holder can be useful as a bird feeder.

DVD Cake Bird feeder

Monday, November 22, 2010

Eastern Screech-Owl In Their Natural Habitat

Your Bird Feeder

Great video showing some Eastern Screen-Owls camouflged in trees. You could easily walk by them and not know they are there.

Enjoy an intimate look at the Eastern Screech-Owl's roosting habits as presented by Cornell Lab of Ornithology photographer Gerrit Vyn. 

Through the Lens: Eastern Screech-Owl Camouflage

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Man Vs Squirrel At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

One man's struggle with keeping squirrels away from his bird feeder.

I put up my first feeder back in about June, and came home for lunch to find it lying, empty, on the ground.

Fighting the good fight against squirrels

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Bird Count

Your Bird Feeder

Here's a fun activity for the whole family on Thanksgiving Day.

The 2010 Thanksgiving Day Bird Count will take place Thursday, Nov. 25 and is organized by the Juneau Audubon Society.

Turkeys don't count in this year's Thanksgiving Day Bird Count

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beak Deformities Being Studied

Your Bird Feeder

Fascinating study that has been going on about beak deformities. Scientists still don't know the cause.

The biologist team first began studying the beak deformities in black-capped chickadees in 1999. Crow beak deformities captured their attention soon after, so they launched the coastal studies project.

Mysterious beak deformities puzzle scientists

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Squirrels At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

If a squirrel wants to get to your bird feeder-they will find a way. That is why it is important to keep your bird feeder away from trees where squirrels can dive off branches and land on your bird feeder.

We have bird feeders all with squirrel protectors on top. A lotta good that does. Our squirrels learned long ago (and have passed it down to all their children) how to leap off the tree limb, slide around the squirrel proctors, skoot down the bird feeder head-first, to enjoy the feast there.

Crazy Squirrels

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ground Bird Feeder Tips

Your Bird Feeder

This article examines the benefits of a ground bird feeder, the types of birds it will attract and the best food to place on the feeder.

Although you can toss seed directly onto the ground, it's easier for you to see the birds and easier for them to see the seed from a ground feeder.

For the birds: Ground feeders good for birds, birdwatchers alike

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Learn How To Tell Your Chickadees Apart

Your Bird Feeder

This is a great article showing the difference between the Black-capped and Carolina Chickadee.

The Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) and the Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) can be confusing species for eastern bird watchers to identify.

Tricky chickadees

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Winter Finch Forecast

Your Bird Feeder

Here is the latest Finch forecast for this winter.

Team eBird is pleased to once again host Ron Pittaway's Winter Finch Forecast. While the focus of this piece is on Ontario, we believe it has interest to a wider audience. From Ron: This winter's theme is that some finch species will irrupt into southern Canada and the northern United States, while other species will remain in the north.

Ron Pittaway's Winter Finch Forecast 2010-2011

Friday, November 12, 2010

Another New Bird Watcher Sets Up A Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

I was so excited to hang it all up, plus a smaller feeder I already had, and see what would happen. It took the birds a day or two to find the feeder but once they did....

I'm A Bird Watcher, I'm A Bird Watcher, Everyday....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Your Bird Feeder Should Be Ready For The Winter

Your Bird Feeder

Here are a few ideas for getting your bird feeder and your yard ready for the birds this winter.

Birds of a feather flock together

Serviceberry, holly or hawthorn, mountain ash and crabapple attract birds. And hedgerows provide shelter from predators and weather. Birds also like brush piles that provide habitat.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Now Is A Good Time To Build Nest Boxes

Your Bird Feeder

Cornell Lab Of Ornithology is suggesting building nest boxes at this time of the year.

Start with a nest box - place one in suitable habitat for a specific bird or look for common focal birds nesting nearby.

How to get started with nest monitoring

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Eurasian Collared-Dove In The United States

Your Bird Feeder

Keep an eye out for the Eurasian collared-dove which is being spotted in different places in the United States.

The Eurasian collared-dove is much larger and heavier than our mourning dove. The distinguishing field mark that separates it from the native dove is the black horseshoe shaped ring on the back of its neck that extends onto the sides of the neck.

Bird sightings: Eurasian collared-dove

Monday, November 8, 2010

Make A Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

These videos show step by step how to make a squirrel proof bird feeder.

How To Make A Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Part 1

Part 2

Sunday, November 7, 2010

House Finch Facts

Your Bird Feeder

An excellent article about house finches.

Fall is a time of color, but generally not in birds. By now, many male birds have traded their colorful look-at-me breeding plumage for dull but safer camouflage colors.

Nature Notes

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Winter Bird Feeder Set-Up

Your Bird Feeder

Excellent article with tips for setting up your bird feeder, the types of foods to feed the birds and the birds that are attracted to it.

I know winter is still a ways off, but the birds in my yard tell me that it is getting closer. The first junco of the fall has already arrived along with migrating white crowned sparrows.

Master Gardener: Providing a winter banquet for the birds

Friday, November 5, 2010

Migration Of The Songbirds

Your Bird Feeder

Excellent article about the migration of many songbirds.

Several times in the past month, I have stood in one place and counted black-capped chickadees passing. This morning (Oct. 26), in about an hour, my husband and I counted 285. All of these birds were moving from west to east along the Lake Ontario shore cliff west of Port Hope.

We're experiencing an irruption

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Feed The Birds Day-Get Your Bird Feeder Ready

Your Bird Feeder

Recap of Feed The Birds Day activities.

Old apples, cold rice and pastry trimmings are among the kitchen scraps that could save the lives of thousands of birds if this winter proves as hard as last year's, conservationists warned.

An apple a day: Britons urged to remember their feathered friends on Feed the Birds Day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get Your Bird Feeder Ready For The Winter

Your Bird Feeder

This article has a few tips for setting up your bird feeder for the winter.

DeGraaf Nature Center director/naturalist Rob Venner shared five tips on how to prepare your back yard for bird watching in the colder months.

5 things you should know about feeding winter birds

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another Bird Feeder Video

Your Bird Feeder

This bird feeder is right outside one of the windows of my house.

Chickadee at Bird Feeder