Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some Tidbits About The Goldfinch, House Finch And Pine Siskin

Your Bird Feeder


Good information about goldfinch feeding preferences.


How can I attract gold finches to my bird feeders?

Lots of birds come to my feeders, but very seldom do I see gold finches.
What can I do to attract them?


Do you get confused trying to distinguish between a female house finch and a pine siskin? Here is a good post on that subject.


A member of the finch family that can easily be confused with a sparrow is the Pine Siskin.

Pine Siskin

Monday, August 30, 2010

Not So Cuddly Squirrel

Your Bird Feeder

Check out the pictures of a not-too-happy squirrel.

The teeth are bared, the claws outstretched. Even his whiskers seem to bristle with animosity.

If anyone still thinks grey squirrels are cuddly little critters, here's an image to prove them wrong.

The creature had climbed into a supposedly squirrel-proof bird feeder to steal nuts left out for the birds.

Not so cuddly now: It's claws the psycho squirrel

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Funny Birds

Your Bird Feeder

A little humor today. Here are a few funny pictures of birds.


All photographers has duds. Usually we delete them but a few can be quite amusing.


The Joy of Bird Watching and Living a Simple Life

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Importance Of Keeping Your Bird Feeder Clean

Your Bird Feeder

This is a very important article stressing the importance of keeping your bird feeder clean. Please read this.



Householders warned to clean birdfeeders as parasite is blamed for finch deaths

Dean Eades is urging householders to clean out their birdfeeders to prevent the spread of the infection


"Bird feeders can be infection grounds as the rain goes into the seed and it becomes mouldy, so you do not want to be topping it up with new seed.


Householders warned to clean birdfeeders as parasite is blamed for finch deaths


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hawk Mountain Activities

Your Bird Feeder


This looks like a great place for bird watching. Get your hiking boots and bird watching binoculars and head to Hawk Mountain.

Hawk Mountain is a refuge for birds of prey. But what draws thousands of hikers there every fall is the fall migration. They have and maintain over eight miles of trails that take you to various lookouts.

GREAT OUTDOORS with Lisa Lightner

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?

A humorous look at trying to squirrel proof your bird feeder. Personally the only thing that I have found to work is to install the feeder away from trees, hang from a shepherds hook (or mount on a pole) and put an inverted baffle on the pole beneath the feeder.


Your Bird Feeder


A product that says "squirrel proof" should have a big red flag on it because you and I both know -nothing- is squirrel proof. They are small critters with a small brain, and they make very poor decisions about whether to cross the street when a car is coming, but when it comes to getting into something people don't want them to get into, they are Einsteins, tireless engineers who always find a way around, over or through any obstacle you might install.

Man Versus Squirrel: It's My Turn

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bird Guide

Your Bird Feeder

An interesting interview with Matthew C Brown who conducts birdwatching tours. Bird watching continues to be a popular activity.


What do you like best about your field of work?

"I get to do what I love. I'm outside all the time, taking people to beautiful places and seeing new birds. It's really kind of the thrill of showing people new birds."


NNY native feathers nest as bird guide

Monday, August 23, 2010

Yellow Finch At The Hummingbird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Sometimes a bird tries to feed where it is not supposed to-look at the results.



This yellow finch was determined to drink from the yellow plastic flowers on the hummingbird feeders. 

Yellow Finch At Hummingbird Feeder

Sunday, August 22, 2010

British Birdwatchers To Help Ethiopia's Unique Birds

Your Bird Feeder


This looks like a worthy cause. So many of our beautiful bird species are in trouble.


Tens of thousands of British birdwatchers attending the 22nd British Birdwatching Fair this weekend, in Rutland, are coming together to raise funds for Ethiopia’s unique bird life.


British birdwatchers rally to help Ethiopia's unique birds

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Birds And Bees

There are some excellent pictures in this post. Check it out!


Your Bird Feeder

In the middle of the commotion of common birds a colorful pair of Grey-chinned Minivets decided to come down low to feed. This was a pleasant surprise as every other time we have seen these guys  they have always been high up in the top canopies and way out of reach of a reasonable shot.


Birds And Bees

Friday, August 20, 2010


This is such a cool story. I wish that I was closer to China so that I could see this bird in person.

Your Bird Feeder

MEET the rare albino swallow that has got birdwatchers in a flap.

Twitchers are flocking to Shandong, eastern China, to see the rare bird, as it happily nests among its jet-black counterparts.



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Black Bear At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

There are many different animals that can come to a bird feeder. I have never seen a black bear at my bird feeder, but apparently some people have.

Waite Park police are asking residents to be on the lookout after receiving two reports Wednesday of a black bear sighting.


Is there a black bear eating at your bird feeder?