Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?

A humorous look at trying to squirrel proof your bird feeder. Personally the only thing that I have found to work is to install the feeder away from trees, hang from a shepherds hook (or mount on a pole) and put an inverted baffle on the pole beneath the feeder.


Your Bird Feeder


A product that says "squirrel proof" should have a big red flag on it because you and I both know -nothing- is squirrel proof. They are small critters with a small brain, and they make very poor decisions about whether to cross the street when a car is coming, but when it comes to getting into something people don't want them to get into, they are Einsteins, tireless engineers who always find a way around, over or through any obstacle you might install.

Man Versus Squirrel: It's My Turn

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