Monday, January 31, 2011

Carolina Wren In Syracuse

Bird Feeder

Have you spotted the Carolina wren at your bird feeder?

Like all wrens, the Carolina wren is an insect eater and can be easily attracted to a feeder where suet is available.

Carolina wren spotted at Syracuse bird feeder

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fast Food At A Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Lots of activity at this bird feeder.

The hard winter life at the bird feeder in Riddarhyttan, Sweden.

Fast food at the bird feeder

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bird Feeder At RSPB Rainham Marshes

Bird Feeder

Bird feeder at RSPB Rainham Marshes 16 Jan 11 with Great Tits, Blue Tits and Dunnock.

Bird feeder at RSPB Rainham Marshes 16 Jan 11

Friday, January 28, 2011

Focus On Feeders-Count The Birds At Your Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Mass Audubon invites bird enthusiasts from across the commonwealth to take part in its free annual Focus on Feeders Weekend. To join the fun, simply note the diversity and number of each bird species in view at any one time visiting your household bird feeder during the weekend of Feb. 5 and 6. 

Wicked Local Plymouth

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Goldfinches Love To Eat Nyger Seed From The Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Lots of goldfinches at the feeders!

Goldfinches fighting over places on a nyger seed feeder in my back garden.
Filmed using a Panasonic SDR-H60.

Goldfinches feeding on nyjer seed feeder

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Observing Bird Behavior At The Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Nice article noting the behavior of various birds and comparing it to humans.

There is a platform outside my office window where I feed birds, and therefore watch birds.

Dablemont: Bird watching shows distinctive behavior patterns

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cat On The Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Check out this clever bird feeder. The cat gets to watch the birds, but the birds are still safe.

My boyfriend built this great bird feeder and sometimes my landlord's cat likes to come in to check it out.

funny cat on the bird feeder


Monday, January 24, 2011

Arctic Bird Expedition

Bird Feeder

Great video from the Cornell Lab Of Ornitholology

Snowy Owls, Ivory Gulls and Sanderlings were the targets on a Lab of Ornithology expedition to collect sound recordings in the Canadian High Arctic. Join Lab staff Gerrit Vyn and Martha Fischer as they trek across barren Bathurst Island recording birds.

Here is the link:

Canadian Arctic Expedition

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

2011 Great Backyard Bird Count

Bird Feeder

Here is information and a link for the next Great Backyard Bird Count. Get the whole family together for a fun activity.

Join The Great Backyard Bird Count

February 18-21, 2011

Great Backyard Bird Count 

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Day At The Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

See how many species of birds you spot on this bird feeder.

336 images of my bird feeder on January 20, 2011. Many species of birds visit my feeder throughout the day. How many did you count?

A Day in the Life of My Bird Feeder

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pretty Birds At The Feeder

Bird Feeder

This video has some nice pictures of birds at the feeder. Check out how squirrel are deterred with his suspended feeder.

For most birds during this time of year, having a free handout goes a long way in keeping them healthy through the winter.

Green Thumb: Feeding Birds in the Winter

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Help Your Local Birds During The Winter

Bird Feeder

You can help the birds by providing food for them at your bird feeder.

"Right now, we've got a lot of snow, and its difficult for the birds to find the resources they need," said Ron Stewart, of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "Also, there's been a lot of development on the foothills where their feed used to be."

State wildlife officials: Help feed local birds through winter

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is There A Short-tailed Shrew At Your Bird Feeder?

Bird Feeder

This is an interesting article about another predator for small birds. Watch for them at your bird feeder.

Short-tailed shrews are abundant and widespread in the Eastern U.S. They inhabit both deciduous and coniferous forests as well as old fields, thickets and hay fields. Their only habitat requirement seems to be a thick layer of leaf litter that keeps the surface of the ground moist. The thick mat of sunflower hulls under feeders certainly qualifies.

Revenge of the killer shrews

Monday, January 17, 2011

Watch The Birds At The Winter Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Nice video of a bird feeder with birds visiting on a snowy day.

On a snowy day, cardinals and a downy woodpecker visit a bird feeder

Bird Feeder on a Snowy Winter Day

Sunday, January 16, 2011

White-winged Dove Spotted In Maryland

Bird Feeder

Unusual bird spotted in Kemptown, MD.

They saw mourning doves, lots of house sparrows and crows. And after five hours of waiting, they saw the white-winged dove. It stayed for about five minutes, munching seeds from a bird feeder, and then flew back toward the nearby woods.

White-winged dove comes to Kemptown

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Having A Bird Feeder May Attract Owls Close To Your Yard

Bird Feeder

The Great horned owl and barred owl are beginning to set up their nesting territory.

For some lucky bird feeder landlords, these owls will choose a vantage point overlooking the feeder yard and, in some instances, spend the day perched there or show up in early evening to give incredible observations of these awesome birds right from your yard or window.

There's been a lot of hooting heard lately

Friday, January 14, 2011

Learn How To Count Birds

Bird Feeder

Find out how to identify and count birds for the Great Backyard Bird Count.

You will also have an opportunity to enjoy and participate in many bird related activities and games to learn how to identify birds and how they adapt to different habitats. 

Learn to Count Birds for the 2011 Great Backyard Bird Count!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Building A Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Here's an idea for building a bird feeder.

Building a bird feeder was far down that list of projects, but it was one thing I could do inside that would fulfill the urge to create during winter's dead grip.

Driscoll: Feeding the flock


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tips For Taking Care Of Your Bird Feeder In The Winter

Bird Feeder

Great tips for caring for your bird feeder.

 Bird feeders require extra care in winter to prevent mold from building up on damp seed. Learn a sensible maintenance routine from an expert in this free video on winter garden care.

How to Care for Bird Feeders in Winter

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feed The Birds Using Home-Made Suet Cakes And Suet Feeders

Bird Feeder

Here are some good ideas for making your own suet cakes and feeders.

The chickadees and nuthatches have been hanging out at the bird feeder, enjoying the sunflower seeds. A blue jay swoops down, crashes into the feeder, then balances itself on the perch designed for much smaller birds, ducks its head and starts eating sunflower seeds.

For the birds

Monday, January 10, 2011

Feed The Birds And Chase Away The Winter Blues

Bird Feeder

"People who come in here to the store tell me, 'I don't care (about the recession). I'm still going to feed my birds,'" says Glass. "For them, it's pure enjoyment."

Wayne's World: Bird feeding brightens up winter's blahs

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Do Bird Feeders Change Bird Songs?

Bird Feeder

Interesting article. Do you think that feeders should be taken down in the spring?

The dawn chorus is thought to be important for attracting and defending females, yet well-fed birds delayed their singing by an average of 20 minutes, often waiting until after sunrise. 

Bird feeders delay great tits' dawn chorus

Blacktailed Deer At The Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

No wonder the bird feeder is always empty!!

Deer hogs bird feeder!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Video Of A Homemade Bird Feeder

Your Bird Feeder

Nice video featuring a homemade bird feeder.

my son made this feeder and video. the images and sounds are really nice so i thought i'd post it

bird feeder

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birds Flock To Bird Feeders

Bird Feeder

Lots of birds flock to this feeder.

A selection of birds- Brambling, Sparrows, Blackbird, Robbin, Dunnock, Redpoll, Siskin and Goldfinches

4/1/11 My Bird feeders

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hummingbird Feeders-Hummingbirds Galore

Bird Feeder

Check out this video. Talk about  busy hummingbird feeders!

Surprising number of birds at my feeders

Busy Humming-bird Feeders

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Gifts That A Bird Feeder Brings

Bird Feeder

Very nice post about how easy it is to get hooked watching birds at your bird feeder.

For 16 winters now, it has rested in its corner on the back deck, right outside the kitchen window, right beside my chair.

Bird feeder brings cardinals, happiness

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bird Tours

Bird Feeder

The Hammonasset autumn tour season is concluded but Connecticut River eagle watches are scheduled for Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, 12, 19 and 26. 

Bird Watchers Scan Skies, Trees, And Long Island Sound For Rare Bird Species